Awards and Scholarships
REALTOR® and Affiliate Member Awards
Each year at the Awards Banquet and Installation, CCAR gives out the following awards.
Past REALTOR® Of The Year Winners Past Linda J. Green Legacy Award winner Past Affiliate of the Year Winners
Past R.O.O.K.I.E of the Year Winners Past Affiliate C.H.O.I.C.E Award Winners
REALTOR® of the Year

2024 winner, Diana Foltz
This award is chosen by the Members of CCAR. All nominee’s must be active and proficient in the business and must have made some special contribution during the current and/or previous years to the Association.
Linda J. Green Legacy Award

2024 winner, Jim Waller
This special recognition award is chosen by the CCAR Award Selection Task Force. Having been created just this year to honor Linda’s longevity and dedication to CCAR and the real estate industry. It recognizes a CCAR REALTOR® member of at least 15 consecutive years, who is active and proficient in the business, made a special contribution during the current and/or previous years to the association, and is seen as a leader among their colleagues.
Affiliate of the Year

2024 Affiliate of the Year winner,
Jenny Park
This award is chosen by the CCAR Award Selection Task Force in appreciation of the activities of Affiliate Members. This affiliate must be active in a business related to the Real Estate profession, support our REALTOR® members by being available to answer questions, going above and beyond to assist REALTORS®, and participate in Association activities and/or committees.
ROOKIE of the Year

2024 ROOKIE of the Year Award winner,
Mike Goebel
(Nominations for this award are only accepted from Designated REALTORS®)
The Directors of the Champaign County Association of REALTORS®, at the recommendation of the Awards Selection Task Force, have established a “R.O.O.K.I.E. of the Year” award as a means of recognizing the efforts of new members of the Association. This award will be presented annually to a new REALTOR® member of no more than two years who has actively served on an Association committee at least six months or since joining (if membership is less than six months), as selected by a quorum vote of the Awards Selection Task Force.
Criteria for selection of the “R.O.O.K.I.E. of the Year” include the following:
- R - Responsible
- O - Optimistic
- O - Objective
- K - Knowledgeable
- I - Involved
- E - Enthusiastic
Affiliate Choice Award

2024 Affiliate C.H.O.I.C.E Winner, Lisa Rector
This award is presented annually and chosen by Affiliates that recognize REALTOR® nominee’s outstanding contribution to and promotion of the local Real Estate industry by
- Competent
- Helpful
- Organized
- Industrious
- Cooperative
- Efficient
CCAR offers three different scholarships throughout the year to current or pre-license REALTORS® from the CCAR area. Scholarship applicants can apply year-round! Read the specific instructions for the following opportunities. The scholarships are funded by the generous support of CCAR Business Partners.