Membership FAQs
- Primary Designated REALTOR® Membership: Licensed real estate broker or real estate appraiser, not currently affiliated with another REALTOR® Board / Association.
- Primary REALTOR® Membership: Licensed in the state of Illinois who is affiliated with a current CCAR member office, but does not hold current membership in another Board / Association.
- Secondary Designated REALTOR® Membership: Designated REALTOR® who is currently a primary member of another Board / Association who also chooses to be a member of CCAR. You must include a letter in good standings from your primary Board / Association.
- Secondary REALTOR® Membership: REALTOR® who is currently a primary member of another Board /Association who also chooses to be member with CCAR. You must include a letter in good standing from your primary Board / Association. Note: Your Broker must hold primary or secondary membership with CCAR in to order for you to qualify for secondary membership.
- Affiliate Membership: Affiliate members are real estate owners and other individuals or firms who, while not engaged in the real estate profession as a real estate agent, have interests requiring information concerning real estate, and are in sympathy with the objective of the Association.
- Life Memberships: Life Members are individuals who have been a REALTOR® Member in food standing with the Association, retired from active professional life and have performed notable service for the real estate profession. A Life Member can have an active license that is being held in a referral company only.
You will need:
A Managing Broker that is currently an active member of CCAR.
If you are a new office you will need everything above plus:
The New Member Application.
New Office will need a DR certification form
You will need:
- Complete the Affiliate application. If you will be joining as an Affiliate with eKey access you will need to fill the Affiliate with access paperwork.
- Once everything is filled out you will need to return it to CCAR.
- You can email it back to Shelly at
- You can mail it back to CCAR at 305 Burwash Ave. Savoy, IL 61874.
- Or you may hand it in, in person at the same address as above.
- CCAR does have fees to becoming an Affiliate member. You can find a breakdown of those fees on the front page of the Affiliate application.
If you are joining as a Secondary Affiliate Member the cost due with application is $150.00. This amount is not pro-rated throughout the year.
You can find all of the fees associated with joining CCAR as a REALTOR® Member and an Affiliate Member below:
Affiliate Information and fee sheet
The New Member Orientation is held a minimum of six times per year.
New members must attend the two-day Mandatory CCAR Orientation that follows the final filing date of turning in an application. Following Orientation, you will be formally inducted into the Champaign County Association of REALTORS® (CCAR).
If you are late or miss any of the mandatory orientation courses/training, you will be required to make up the entire course/training missed at the next orientation.
NOTE: Failure to complete all of the required Orientation courses/training within the specified time frame will result in your services being turned off until the next filing date.
New Member Orientations are held in:
Please call or email association staff for the dates of each orientation.
You are always welcome to contact any of the CCAR staff. However, if you are also able to contact IDFPR directly with the link below or call 217-785-0820.
Application Checklist
- 1) CCAR Application
- 2) 45 Day Permit / IDFPR License
- 3) Application Acknowledgement (Including Managing Broker Signature)
- 4) Orientation Schedule
- 5) Payment of Application Fee, E-Commerce Processing Annual Dues (see Annual Dues Schedule on application)
Once all five elements of your application have been received and processed, your application will be reviewed by staff and CCAR Board of Directors. Then basic training (via zoom) will be set up for MLS and Key access.
Application Checklist
1) CCAR Application
2) 45 Day Permit / IDFPR License
3) Application Acknowledgement (Including Managing Broker Signature)
4) Orientation Schedule
5) Payment of total annual dues,(credit card payments are processed through NAR E-Commerce). (See Annual Dues
Schedule) Once all five elements of your application have been received and processed, your application will be
reviewed by Darcie Fox, The CEO and the CCAR Board of Directors. Upon Approval basic training (via zoom) will be set
up for MLS and Key access.
The CCAR Business Partnership Program is an ideal opportunity for Affiliate Members who value year-long recognition as a proven partner in the real estate transaction.
What are the Benefits:
- Brand awareness throughout the year on the website, at the CCAR office, newsletter, social media, and more!
- Exclusive opportunity to get it front of 550 REALTORS® who have sold a total of 3,178 units with a dollar volume of $685,811,000! (Data from CCAR 2022 fiscal year)
- Listing within the online and searchable Affiliate Member Directory
- Stay in the know with member-only communications, including the monthly e-newsletter (CCAR Connect) and invitations to networking events and volunteer opportunities!
- Participation in the Affiliate Networking Involvement Group
For more information or to get signed up as a Business Partner click the link below.
To login or create an account on the info hub click on link below.
If you have any issues making changes or if you are unable to do it please contact CCAR staff at 217-356-1389 to help.
Your Member ID identifies you with Illinois REALTORS and the National Association of REALTORS. The link to the M1 is below, to create a login if you haven't done so yet.
To see what the NAR Code of Ethics requirements are and how to complete them you can visit NAR or reach out to CCAR Staff.
To contact Supra here is the number for support 1-877-699-6787. For Supra KIM Voice 1-888-968-4032. Below is the link to login or create an account on Supra WEB.
CCAR Staff can also help. Please call 217-356-1389.
MRED Help Desk: 630-955-2755 or
8am-6pm M-F & 9am-3pm Sat
On Call Emergency hours Sundays and most Holidays 10am-2pm
You can also contact CCAR Staff at 217-356-1389.