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Your involvement in the Champaign County Association of REALTORS® will provide you with the opportunity to take an active role in the creation of future programs and services of your Association. 

Committees meet throughout the year from October – September. All offer both in-person or Zoom options, with each of them lasting up to 1 hour. About 12 hours per year.  

This involvement is a pathway to leadership. Learn more about how to grow in your leadership here.

Meets as needed, about 2-3 times per year. This group together with the CCAR Board of Directors oversees the Business Partner program and funds. It supports the mission, visionary goals, and strategic priorities of CCAR. It represents and promotes affiliate members (members engaged in the real estate industry by ways of products and services) and networking opportunities, including the Business Partner Expo and the REALTOR® Appreciation Event.

Meets up to 6 times per year. This group works to promote the good work of REALTORS® to the community through volunteering with local organizations or hosting events for the public. 

Contract and Forms Committee

Meets as needed. This group reviews CCAR forms that are found within MRED, considers new forms and agreements, and proposes the elimination of forms if needed. 

Meets about 6 times per year. This committee plans and oversees the annual member golf outing. 

Meets Monthly. It takes a team to protect industry and private property rights. CCAR staff and members focus on these issues to ensure that you can do the best business on behalf of your clients. Being involved in local policy is one of the best ways you can help protect and contribute to your community. Being involved in the Governmental Affairs Involvement Group gives you the ability to provide input on local issues, elected officials, and candidates seeking an elected position. 

President's Initiative Task Force

Meets as needed. Each year the President's Initiative allows the current CCAR President to formalize a special project of interest and value to the community and members. Join today to help turn the President's Initiative into ACTION! 

Meets monthly. Want to have a voice in new and exciting educational opportunities that are made available to members and the community? Join one of the Working Groups: Education, Equal Opportunity and Inclusion, Special Projects. 

Meets monthly. This group helps early career REALTORS® build the foundation for a successful career by planning educational and networking events including Wake Up YPN and Happy Hour with the GAD

Indicate your interest in getting involved by going online to complete this form.

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